What is Omega-3?
Omega-3's (formerly called vitamin F) are essential fatty acids required for the proper functioning of the body. They are involved in many regulatory functions and play a vital role in the prevention of 'lifestyle' related diseases (e.g. Diabetes, Cancer, Cholesterol, Cardiovascular disease, etc.) .
They are known as 'Essential' because the body cannot manufacture them directly, so we have to consume them as part of our diet e.g. they are 'essential' in the diet.
The diet in many developed countries regularly lacks sufficient Omega-3 (e.g. French nutritionists have identified that their daily diet contains just one third of the recommended rate of Omega-3; which has been identifed as 2.2g per day.).
Linette® is a Valorex product, part of the Bleu-Blanc-Coeur Association.